
Common Golf Wagers- and The way to Win Them

It is said golf is a game for individuals, since it is just a person against the golf course.  However on a different level it can be a group game, where friends or business connections can get together and bond.  Some people prefer merely playing the game on an individual basis even when we are in the company of others.  But occasionally it really is fun to try out games against each other, and there are a number of games that are being played.  You'll be able to certainly keep score while playing one of the following games, but at times the approach to winning isn't to make shots which may be optimum to get a reduced score.  Let's examine a few.

Nassau.  Said to have originated at New York's Nassau Country Club, it really is quite straightforward.  You stake a certain amount (a Nassau) for winning the front side, the back side, as well as total result.  If you bet a $10 Nassau and win the front side, lose the back side, but win total score, you win $10.  It can get complex with pressing, and that is basically a double-or-nothing challenge on the last golf hole from the player that is behind.  A small Nassau can grow into some considerable money, so if you get behind know how your golf game is feeling prior to pressing on 18.

Skins.  Not a lot of us knew much about this game until several years back when one of the TV networks taped four prominent players from then and played it during Thanksgiving weekend.   For a while after it felt like everyone was playing skins.  Players bet a specific amount on each hole, and when two players tie for the top score, the bet is carried over and added to the following hole.  When a number of holes in a row fail to have a winner, the total amount may build up as the game progresses.  To be able to win the hole a player has to have the lowest score outright, so the player that takes risks will have a chance for the most rewards.  So it does not matter should you play well overall, so long as you play well on the "money" golf holes.
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Snake.  This golf game can be used as a side-bet to place greater pressure on putting.  The first golfer to three-putt earns a snake, and it stays with him pending another person three-putts.  If a snake is worth $3 per hole and there's not a new three-putt through four holes, the first golfer to 3-putt owes the others $12, but of course can start collecting from the player who then owns the snake.  This clearly encourages lag putting, or keeping the first putt close.

Bingo Bango Bongo.  This is one golf game that can drive you crazy attempting to keep up with the points, as there are 3 on every hole.   One is for the first player on the green (bingo), a second will be for the closest to the golf hole once everybody is ultimately on the green (bango), and the last is the one who is first to drop the putt (bongo).   There can be a true strategy to the game, and much of it doesn't essentially involve good golf.  Laying back and taking advantage of chances when they come up frequently will be the key to picking up points.

Keeping track of all these wagers is going to frequently demand an accountant and a ledger book.  But modern technology may assist.  There are instead apps like GolfMoolah for the Apple iPhone to keep a record of all this.  But these games can add a lot of fun to your game of golf

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