


順位 選手名 スコア1 服部 真夕 -3
2 井芹 美保子 0
N・キャンベル 0
イ・ボミ 0
上原 彩子 0
茂木 宏美 0
7 永井 奈都 +1
福田 裕子 +1
キム・ソヒ +1
諸見里 しのぶ +1



ヤマハレディースオープン葛城 2日目◇31日◇葛城ゴルフ倶楽部(6,587ヤード・パー72)>








TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 事前情報◇5日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」が6日(木)に三重県にある涼仙GCで開幕を迎える。








TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 事前情報◇5日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」が6日(木)に開幕。主催者推薦で今大会に出場する元プロ野球桑田真澄氏と立浪和義氏は、プロアマ終了後に2人で10番から9ホールの練習ラウンドを行った。





<中間速報>トーシンゴルフ 横田真一、C・プラポールが8アンダーで首位


順位 選手名 スコア1 佐藤 祐樹 -9
2 C・プラポール -8
横田 真一 -8
H・W・リュー -8
5 小田 孔明 -7
上井 邦浩 -7
矢野 東 -7
池田 勇太 -7
甲斐 慎太郎 -7
広田 悟 -7


TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 初日◇6日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」が三重県にある涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部で開幕した。12時現在横田真一チャワリット・プラポール(タイ)が8アンダーで首位に並び、1打差の3位タイに小田孔明上井邦浩矢野東らがつけている。ディフェンディングチャンピオンのドンファンは17番までを消化して3アンダー27位タイとなっている。




順位 選手名 スコア1 佐藤 祐樹 -9
2 C・プラポール -8
横田 真一 -8
H・W・リュー -8
5 小田 孔明 -7
上井 邦浩 -7
矢野 東 -7
池田 勇太 -7
甲斐 慎太郎 -7
広田 悟 -7


TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙 初日◇6日◇涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部(7,169ヤード・パー72)>

 国内男子ツアー「TOSHIN GOLF TOURNAMENT IN 涼仙」が三重県にある涼仙ゴルフ倶楽部で開幕。この大会初参戦の石川遼がハーフのプレーを終了。3バーディ・1ボギーの2アンダーで折り返した。



10 reasons why you should play badminton!

Badminton is one of the most popular sports not only for competition, but also for enjoyment in spare time. Badminton courts are available in all community sport centres and in local schools or colleges. Even without courts or nets, you could still play badminton in parks or in your backyards if they are big enough.

1. A game for all ages.

Badminton can be an energetic pursuit or a light workout, depending on individual choice. Because of that, you could start playing badminton from as young as you are able to swing a badminton racket, to as old as not being able to move around the court.

2. Social events

Badminton clubs are badminton communities. During club nights and matches you have opportunities to meet new people and catch up with old friends, who are from different backgrounds. Many clubs have social calendars with club fun nights, fund raisers and Christmas parties organised.

3. Body building

Badminton requires running, jumping, and fast paced movement, this boosts flexibility and speed. The constant range of motion tones legs, buttocks, arms, shoulders, back and stomach as well. It develops strength and power on the legs and arms.

After playing badminton for sometime regardless of levels, players will experience improved balance and co-ordination. Increase a bit more intensity of the game can boost upper body strength, core stability and stamina, and improve reflexes and hand-eye coordination.

Working and stretching muscles releases hormones that tone and firm the body. Leg and arm movements required for a badminton match are as repetitive as the movements used in weight lifting programs, but instead of external weights. The body's momentum creates its own weight lifting workout. Playing badminton tones the body for a smooth, non-muscular look.

4. Reduce blood pressure and risks of heart disease

Hypertensive persons can benefit greatly from playing badminton because it drops the basal heart rate by a few beats per minute and it also reduces the blood pressure significantly. Badminton helps in warding off hypertension without the need for medications and it helps in reducing the dosage of medications needed in more severe cases of hypertension.

Playing badminton on a regular basis protects from various heart diseases. It strengthens the heart muscle, keeps the blood vessels from clogging and causing further health complications. Persons who have some kind of pre-existing heart disease can also enjoy the benefits of playing badminton under proper medical supervision that will not put any additional stress on their endurance levels.

5. Increase bone density & prevention of osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition in which the bones become loose because of interactions between the hormones in the body, the forming of bones and the cells that dissolve bones. Persons suffering from osteoporosis have reduced bone strength and that means that it is very easy for them to sustain bone fractures.

Playing badminton helps those suffering from osteoporosis because it helps the activity of the cells that form bones and it also helps assimilating the calcium in the bone matrix, which strengthens it. Regular badminton games also reduces various cancer risks.

6. Cholesterol balance

In our body, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) are bad cholesterols and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the only good cholesterol.

Regular badminton exercises help reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and increase the levels of good cholesterol in the body. Bad cholesterol is not beneficial for the health because it enlarges the blood vessels, which may lead to heart attacks and strokes. The reduction of bad cholesterol levels provides health benefits on many different levels.

7. Weight loss

Badminton can also help overweight people in reducing fat and attaining the weight optimal for their age and height. This happens because a person burns significant amounts of calories and prevents them from piling up as fat and further increasing their weight. A 70kg man can burn up to 493kcal per hour. Regardless whether it is a competitive or non-competitive badminton game. Combined with proper diet, the optimal weight loss may be achieved.

8. Improve mental health

In addition to the physical benefits, playing badminton improves various indexes of physio-psychologic functioning. These individuals are better adjusted, have more attenuated cardiovascular and neurohumoral responses to mental stress, have fewer symptoms of anxiety, depression, and some type A behaviors. Playing badminton keeps you feeling well, strong and motivated. It can help in coping with anxiety and stress and offers a release from the pressures of everyday life.

9. Decrease diabetes

According to the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, as many as 1/3 of children born in the 21st century will develop type II diabetes. Exercise can help by decreasing the amount of sugar the body produces. It can decrease the production of sugar by the liver and therefore overall can decrease fasting blood sugar. In fact in one study, exercise was able to decrease the incidence of developing Diabetes by 58% even better than medication.

10. A good fun to play

Last but not the least, it is really a good fun to play badminton once you getting into the game. You could get addicted. Learn new tricks or techniques such as net shots, drop shots or jump smash, and show them off in badminton courts to your friends or opponents. Even you lose some games, but the sense of enjoyment is something that other stuff can not replace.


AEG Airsoft Gun - Airsoft Electric Rifle – ICS AK74 RAS Airsoft Rifle

The ICS airsoft electric rifle is an exact replica of the real gun, a one to one ratio to the real thing. The AK74 RAS AEG airsoft gun is a full metal construction rifle that will give you years of reliable and extremely high performance, whether you are shooting at targets or skirmishing on the battlefield.

It fires in both the fully automatic and semi automatic modes at a blazing 850 rounds per minute. The adjustable hop up will allow any shooter to easily dial in the ammunition from either close up or from far away, making this electric airsoft rifle very versatile.

This aeg airsoft gun incorporates a front and rear sight, and also has an accessory rail and Weaver/Picatinny bases for the addition of optics, scopes, or any other accessory that you would like to install on it.

The 1 piece Tokyo Marui compatible version 3 gearbox makes this an exceptionally fast and accurate shooting airsoft rifle. The 550 round high capacity magazine will last you through the majority of battles. But, ICS includes two of the high capacity magazines so that you will never have to worry about running out of ammunition when battling it out with the enemy.

Included with this aeg airsoft gun is a 9.6 volt NiMH 2000 mah large battery and a 9 volt 500 mAH charger for both the NiCad and the NiMH battery types. The 9.6 volt battery will give this gun plenty of firing power and long lasting performance.

The airsoft electric rifle weighs in at a robust 7.4 pounds and has an overall length of 38 inches. The rear sight is adjustable for windage, and upon firing, the AK74 produces a loudness factor of just under a 3, which is below the average noise level for most airsoft guns.

It is recommended that you only shoot.2g and.25g ammunition from the rifle. This will give you the type of performance that this gun will produce time and time again. As with all airsoft guns, the orange tip should never be removed. This is an exact replica of the real thing, and mistakes can be made when looking at the electric airsoft rifle.


Calculate Your Golf Handicap At GolfZing

Whether you’re a novice just starting out in the game or a seasoned expert who is just short of being pro (professional PGA players don't use golf handicaps), you'll find the online golf handicap calculator at GolfZing to be an invaluable tool in figuring this aspect of your game.

A golf handicap is something that virtually every golfer figures out early on but for the benefit of the uninitiated, here's an explanation. It can be a little intimidating in the beginning – especially if math isn't your strong suit - but don't worry, because our online golf handicap calculator will do much of that for you and it's free. Golf handicaps aren't difficult to figure once you are familiar with a few basic concepts.

The first terms you need to be familiar with are:

− scratch golfer − bogey golfer

These are two ends of the spectrum: the "scratch" golfer gets a golf handicap of zero, while the "bogey" gets a handicap of eighteen.

The next term you should know is something from algebra: variable. There are two variables in the game that are affected by whether a golfer is a "scratch" or a "bogey." These are:

− course rating − slope rating

You'll find these terms on your scorecard. The former is a number that is usually somewhere between 67 and 77, which approximates a "scratch" score. The latter tells a golfer how difficult it will be for a "bogey" compared to his/her "scratch" counterpart.

Next, you determine your Equitable Stroke Control, or ESC; this is an estimate of the number of strokes (shots) you must count when playing a difficult hole, the maximum being ten. The sum of these for each hole equals your "Adjusted Gross Score."

Is your head spinning, yet? If so, you're definitely going to want to take a serious look at our online tools, including our golf handicap tracker, which brings us to the next part.

Putting It All Together

Now that you have all your figures, you'll need to figure your handicap differential. Given:

x = adjusted gross score y = course rating z = slope rating

the formula for determining your handicap differential is:

[(x – y) × 113] / z = Handicap Differential

Hmmm...it might just be easier to log on to GolfZing and use our free online golf handicap tracker and other web-based tools.

It's Fast – It's Easy

Instead of dealing with a lot of math, you can use our online golf handicap calculator by plugging in the numbers and get your results in under five minutes. These tools also help you in keeping track of your golf handicap index as your skills improve. The GolfZing golf handicap calculator is designed to be used by novices and experienced players alike, automatically making adjustments for USGA regulations and taking into consideration scores for tournaments, nine-hole courses and off-season play.

Our members find that our golf handicap tracker is an excellent evaluation tool that helps them to determine their strengths as a player as well as areas in need of improvement.


Members can take a "test drive" by using our free golf handicap online tools for thirty days. After that, if you decide to continue using GolfZing's Golf Handicap Tracking, you pay only $7.95 a year – just a little over two cents a day!


Football in Ghana

Football is a great game full of passion. It is believed to be the sport with the highest number of supporters. Football’s history dates back as far as the 13th century. Many legends of the game have come and gone with many countries using football as a medium for developments.

One of the best football nations in Africa is Ghana. Currently, Ghana is ranked number 15th on the FIFA best countries in the world list and the first in Africa. The passion and love for the game in Ghana is overwhelming. It’s the game with the largest supporters in Ghana. It has never been always rosy for Ghana football. The supporters had to go through the hard ordeal of seeing their country lose trophy after trophy and match after match. But Ghana has done herself proud boasting of some of the best footballers on the continent and winning so many prestigious trophies on the continent and on the world stage.

The authorities in charge of Ghana football is the Ghana football association. The association is solely responsible for football matters in country. The Ghana national teams consist of both the men’s and women’s football. The seniors of the men’s football are called Black Stars and the female’s Black Queens. Ghana also has all the other junior level of football permitted by FIFA.

The top flight football in Ghana is the Ghana premier league, followed by the division one, division two and the regional colts’ league. The Ghana premier league boasts of two of the best clubs on the continent namely Kumasi Asante Kotoko and Accra Hearts of Oak. The game can never be lovely without its numerous supporters. The support base for football in Ghana is over 70% of the country’s population. On match days, these Ghana football fans come from every length and breadth of the country to cheer their team up. Amidst drumming, chanting and singing, these supporters will cheer their team all day long. The chants and songs are mostly Ghana music.

Ghana will forever be a great football nation. She will continue be a massive force in the game both on the continent and world stage. But there is more room for improvement for Ghana football especially on the local scene.

Mustang Sailing Supports Volunteers With Free Vhf Radio Courses

Mustang Sailing, one of the UK's top RYA recognised sailing schools, is showing its support for local National Coastwatch Institution (NCI) volunteers by offering free theory courses on VHF/DSC marine radio operation.

Since 2006, the East Sussex-based RYA practical and theory sailing course specialist has provided free VHF Radio training for local NCI volunteers. Following the recent announcement of further cuts to the safety at sea services, Mustang Sailing is urging more volunteers to take advantage of the course.

Principal at Mustang Sailing, Paul Stringer, said: "With the proposed closure of more than half of the UK's 18 24-hour coastguard centres and cancellation of the Emergency Towing Vessel service, the pressure on the NCI to recruit and train more volunteers to open more stations has significantly increased. I wanted to be able to reward their hard work with some of the valuable training they will inevitably need."

The free one day course on VHF/DSC marine radio operation will provide volunteers with an essential Short Range Certificate (SRC), the minimum qualification required by law to operate a VHF radio fitted with DSC, and enable them to achieve 'Declared Facility Status'. This is an essential part of allowing the charity organisation to communicate with sea going vessels, the HM Coastguard and RNLI and therefore play a full and active role in ensuring sea safety.

Over the past five years, many volunteers from NCI Newhaven have already completed a course courtesy of Mustang Sailing. Watchkeeper, Neil Tourle, said, "As we are a voluntary organisation with limited funds available, we really appreciate the help we get from people like Paul at Mustang Sailing. The free training he provides is more important than ever in the current climate and vital to NCI Newhaven's successful operation."

Since 1994, NCI has opened more than 40 fully operational stations, manned by over 1,700 volunteers, eight of which are located throughout the South East. NCI watchkeepers work closely with the HM Coastguard and RNLI and are trained to 'spot, plot and report' a casualty.


Yacht Broker - Selecting the Right One To Sell Your Yacht

How do I choose a yacht broker to sell my vessel? How do I come across the correct yacht broker to sell my yacht? These are questions that you as a vessel owner might ask when it is time to sell your boat. In my transactions with sellers, I find that most, if not all of them had no idea when deciding on the brokerage to represent them. Their preference was made arbitrarily it seems. When you are ready, you need to find a decent yacht brokerage that you can trust. Some of the points that you should ponder are honesty, value and ability.

A yacht is a huge expenditure and numerous people prefer to buy one from a yacht brokerage. A brokerage sells boats to interested parties for a commission. Clearly, before you consider which one to go with when selling, you will need to be familiar with the commission amount that they charge; it is a standard 10% in the business.

Obviously, you want to look for honesty in a yacht broker. No one desires to do business with a dishonest person in any manner, but some people are extremely dishonest without seeming to be. Investigate the history of the brokerage and ensure that there are no complaints filed against them. The brokerage should be competent when it comes to knowing how to price your yacht. Your yacht brokerage should have a good feel of the market and how much to value your boat.

Always look for skill in a yacht brokerage. They should have been in the industry for some time. The longer, the better, clearly as this indicates they're able to stay in business. They will not only have the ability to sell your boat at a decent price, but also have the ability to come across the perfect yacht if you are looking to acquire another one from a broker.

In order to find the top yacht brokerage, you must shop around. Speak to several people until you get at ease with one. Request and call up references. Never do business with a brokerage that is assertive or insists that you sign a contract that you do not comprehend. These legal documents are binding. If you do not understand the listing agreement, seek legal counsel. In addition remember that buying a vessel is similar to purchasing a home. You will want to screen the organization as you would a home brokerage firm.

Here are some questions to pose while searching for the best yacht brokerage. Use this list to establish which Broker is best for you. I have included my answers to each question.

Do you co-broke with other Brokers who might have a buyer that could purchase my boat? Can I obtain it in writing? It is in our listing agreement; we constantly co-broke with other Brokers. If you cannot get it in writing the broker is more worried about his commission; you could potentially lose out on a deal.

How accessible are you going to be to me, buyers and other Brokers? We make phone calls regularly to other Brokers and wait to hear back from them. My Blackberry and laptop are at all times on; you can contact me if you need to; buyers can too!

Shopping ATV Tires

There is nothing as fun as having an ATV. Still, many ATV owners do not realize the value of the sort of ATV tires that are on their fun toy, and that tires can increase outdoor experiences or ruin them.

For example, in case you plan to take your ATV? Want to travel inside desert or during the mud? There's a difference in ATV tires, which are made for quite a few forms of off-road, and feel it or not, aren't the same. Many well-known tire manufacturers ATV tires, for example Goodyear, Firestone and Bridgestone, between many others. Some are cheap, while others may perhaps eat part in this kind of big budget entertainment. However, finding the right tire to your needs takes a modest time and research.

Goodyear creates a excellent ATV tire known as the Goodyear Tracker Mud Runner ATV for fun within the mud, while the Maxxis tires produces tires for ones race iRazr. To clear space inside your pleasure-mobile, specially if you're off-road in rocky environments, the Lifter up of the tire that is right up your alley, called Outlaw.

Have fun with your ATV techniques how the equipment for their needs, and though most ATV tires remained pretty well in most environments, if you are serious about off-road driving, you need to pay the buy tires right for a variety of varieties of terrain.

Most ATV owners begin converting their machines nearly just before they are able to park from the garage following purchase, and whilst numerous men and women start off parts and components, motor control, intelligent, ATV owner will begin with tires. After all, if your tires aren't right for your specific field you are riding no matter how numerous horses have.

Security is also an important issue, given the ATV tires, and it's crucial to understand the sort of surface you intend to drive, and that's driving the car. Are you going to ride over a soft ground or mud or even snow? Are you going to stick on the ground, or you intend to participate in hill climbing or competitions that need multi-terrain obstacles?

Make certain that whatever kind of tire, or set of ATV tires that you just purchase for your machine fits rims properly. Make sure the tire width you desire will fit the rim, mainly because if your tires are as well narrow, it's going to come off the edge and be dangerous to your riders. Given the sort of ground clearance you would like is something to appear like sculpture.

Riding your ATV can also be fun, but it is also serious business, security and protection of riders need to be your very first priority. If you are not familiar in your bike, find somebody who can offer clues and tips to assist you to purchase what you need. Previous to commencing the engine souping, ensure that the ATV tires on your machine is more than enough to your needs.


Rules Aid Your Play

As a player, you have the obligation to your fellow players to see that the Rules of Golf are followed. This one simple statement will give you an entire philosophy for the Rules of Golf:

1.Your Body Supports Your Golf Swing

The golf swing is arguably one of the most difficult athletic movements to perform in sport today. It requires you to draw the club in a sequential order, on a specific path, with the correct time. Error in order, swing path, or timing can result in a poor outcome. These biomechanics of the golf swing are executed by your body, and in order to successfully deliver the clubhead to the golf ball. Certain physical components within the body are needed. High levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power are required from your body in order to execute the mechanics of the golf swing efficiently. If the body is lacking in any one of these physical components the ability to execute the golf swing with Ping k15 driver.

2.Increasing the Power in Your Drives
Increased power in your golf swing usually equates to more distance on every shot in your game. Increased power in the golf swing is translated to clubhead speed. The faster at which the clubhead is moving when it contacts the ball, the more distance you should have on your tee shots. The "coiling" and "uncoiling" of the body creates power within the mechanics of the golf swing. Increase the efficiency at which you perform the mechanics of the golf swing. The greater likelihood an increase in clubhead speed will occur. Second in the development of more power in your golf swing is your body. Power in relation to your body is the ability of the body to create the greatest amount of force in a short amount of time. Improve the rate at which your body develops power within the mechanics of the golf swing, an increase in clubhead speed and distance in your drives can occur.

3. Next, practice training your body and your mind well.

The key to having success is quality practice with purposeful meaning. You need to have defined goals on what you're trying to achieve. Banging balls at the range all day will be a good workout, but more than likely won't transfer into success on the course. When I hear from people that they hit thousands of balls each day, but can't seem to make it happen on the course, I have to question what exactly they practiced. Like the old saying, "Inefficient management is like straightening the deck chairs on the Titanic." Practice like you play ping g15 irons. I will discuss this in future articles in depth.

Importance Of Swimming Accessories

Swimming in summer is a perfect fun activity to do, especially if you are a water person you will enjoy the splash of water. The scorching summer attracts many people to beaches, coastlines and many waterfall destinations. If you are the one who likes water then swimming is the best activity you can do for your health and fitness. It is the best exercise that you can do and swimming is a full body cardio exercise. But for effective and safe swimming you need the right products and accessories that will make the water more inviting.

Today children are enjoying swimming activity and nowadays the training that they receive is very good as compared to in earlier times. Earlier many people use to learn swimming just by themselves by getting into the pond with the inner tube in the pool. Water safety is also very crucial while trying to swim as it involves practice and expertise. Swimming without right precaution can bring some terrifying thoughts and so having the right swimming equipments can make this a wonderful sport. This makes swimming a very fun and adaptable activity for kids as children should feel happy and relax after swimming.

This is sport which is combination of all from reducing the body fat, abdomen and is perfect health exercise. But despite of such precautions being taken there are many swimming mishaps which occur which are still happening and need is felt to control them. There are number of deaths also in US. Hence this is also the reason why children are not allowed to swim alone but they can swim with respective instructors. If they are getting alone in the swimming pool then it should have safety features and swimming equipments should be always handy to reach.

There are numerous benefits of swimming and the most crucial one are as: Swimming is a great way to lose and gain weight and also gives a positive reinforcement to body. Swimming is also recommended by doctors as it is excellent workout for your cardiovascular system. Make swimming an integral and enjoyable part for a healthy regime.

Swimming has got some psychological benefits and it gives refreshing feeling than any other sport or activity. The basic swimming session at the pool well relaxes the mind and uplifts the mood swings and spirits. Swimming is such an activity which you can enjoy in groups and even as individual. It is complete recreational activity. These days there is pool aerobics also which absolute fun is. If you know how to swim then in large water bodies you will not fear water but rather enjoy the activity. For good swimming you should have swimming requirements from online swim store.


Getting Your Mind Around The Ups And Downs In Golf

If you are a dedicated golfer and care about your game you can find yourself riding along on a rollercoaster of emotional turmoil whilst out on the course. One moment you feel like a surfer riding a huge wave as your tee shots split the middle of the fairway or you chip the ball right into the cup, but then moments later your emotions sink like a stone as you miss a putt or get a bad bounce.

That's golf. That's how it is. And a round of golf takes an average of four hours. If you don't learn to control your emotions along the way you can arrive back at the 19th hole with your emotions wrung dry. The ups and downs and golf are experienced from one shot to another, let alone from one round of golf to the next.

A golfing friend made the comment today that she just can't seem to dial in her focus for every shot, every time she plays. I seriously doubt that anyone can accomplish that feat. Just as golfers make physical mistakes in terms of poor shot choices or poor execution, we make mental mistakes as well.

It's easy to get lazy and not take the time to align correctly. It's easy to overlook the absolute necessity to choose an exact point to aim at. It's easy to be thinking about what your friend just said as you set up to the ball instead of applying your mind to hitting the ball squarely. To expect yourself to be perfect is being way too hard upon yourself.

If you were a long distance runner you would pace yourself. You conserve energy during some parts of the race and give everything you have got at other times. A similar strategy should be applied to your mental focus in golf.

I know as well as you do that in a perfect world you would be perfectly focused and zoned in for each and every shot. You and I also know that if you can get yourself to focus in this way consistently for enough consecutive shots you will find that this behavior becomes automatic.

In a round of golf you don't have to focus for the entire four hours. You need to focus for each shot, be they 70 or 100 shots. That's all. But this is still a high demand to expect of yourself when you are not used to doing it. As a golfer begins to embrace the mental side of golf he or she should be patient with him or herself.

We all make mistakes. We all forget to do things. Until your mental focus becomes instinctive and automatic (if indeed it ever does) the key is to do it when you can and also to conserve your energy so that you can apply your focus when it really matters.

If you are a golfer who has only just become aware of the vital importance of the whole mental game of golf, then you might like to consider hypnosis. Hypnosis assists in the acquisition on new mental skills and makes them easier to take on board. Golf hypnosis in this way speeds up the process of making new mental skills automatic and instinctive.

Roseanna Leaton, avid golfer and specialist in golf hypnosis mp3 downloads and author of the GolferWithin golf mind training system.

Padded Shorts – To Wear or Not to Wear

As an avid mountain bike rider, I get lot of questions from women interested in mountain biking. "Should I wear padded shorts while mountain biking?" is the most common question that I get often asked by a lot of women. Many women believe that padded shorts are a safety gear meant only for men since they have seen photos of only men wearing them. Personally, I believe that wearing padded shorts is very important while playing adventure sports especially while riding bikes.

As far as the comfort issue pertaining to wearing padded shorts is concerned, I believe there is no definite answer for that. While some people feel it is extremely comfortable to ride a bicycle after wearing padded shorts, some others feel that it adds to their discomfort. The choice varies from one person to another. Therefore, it will be best if I provide a feedback based on my personal experience.
When I cycle casually for a small distance, I do not wear padded shorts .The thing that is more important to me while riding a bike is the comfort. On a regular basis, I do not prefer strenuous cycling and feel more comfortable to ride in my regular clothing. Although I do not find padded shorts as a medium of discomfort, but I prefer using it when most required.

I usually wear padded shorts when I have to ride for a long distance or while mountain bike riding. While riding for long distance, I find them very beneficial as they provide just the right amount of compression and cushioning. If you have never ridden a bicycle for a long distance, you will probably not understand the sense of wearing padded shorts. The tight fabric and the cushioned padding make my leg muscles feel better when I pedal vigorously for long distance. The padding reduce the stress that cycle seat would have otherwise caused on by butt and hips.

I have owned several pairs of cycling shorts so far starting from synthetic shorts to the cotton one. I am really happy with the manner some of the latest design from Demon, Pro Tec and Triple Eight turned out to be. Not only they are lightweight and breathable, they are so thin that I can comfortably wear them underneath my trouser and hop on to my cycle without looking absurd.

With what all I have written till now, you must have understood that I prefer wearing padded shorts in almost all scenarios except for when I am going for a casual bike ride. If as a woman, you are concerned about the fitting of padded shorts, you will be glad to know that most protection line now manufacture padded shorts designed specifically for women. So, now there is no reason for not owning a pair of women padded shorts. Go grab it and enjoy your first mountain bike riding today!

What Is Required to Become an Equestrian

Horse riding is one of the most captivating sports in history. Nothing trumps being on a horse and racing toward the finish line, but being an equestrian undefined just that. If you decide to become an equestrian, you may not only discover the joy and pride of pony trekking; you enter a life of adventure, and you get to feel the adrenaline hit all of the time.

To become a pro equestrian undefined easy. It has got a lot of physical, mental and emotional requisites that you first have to meet, as these qualities prove to be essential in every match that you are going to face. You have got to be physically fit, and as well have the control and balance as undefined to handle not a machine for racing, but a live creature which has its own mind too. You also have to be targeted and determined-entertaining diversions will only make you fall off the pony.

But more than the attitude, theirs is a different aspect of being an equestrian that you have to work on: having the bond with horses. It can be very complicated on your end if you are not capable of handling the pony undefined to ride on. This is due to the fact that in pro horse racing matches, you are subject to riding different horses dependent on the stable undefined linked with. Indeed, most pro horse riders already have their own horses to race with, but if you are just starting out you have to be accustomed do riding different horses during the beginning of your career. Therefore, you should know the simple way to work with your horse and take charge every time it starts acting up.

Becoming an equestrian is also a bit costly; the game remains to be for individuals who can afford to purchase their own horses. Nevertheless you may also get high odds of turning into a pro equestrian by working in the stables.

If you are highly curious about horses and would wish to hound the trail toward becoming an equestrian, then it is best that you search for equine financial scholarships. There are boarding colleges that offer special equine scholarships to well-qualified students, and these can ease your financial burden when following your dream. There also are special horseracing scholarships awarded to sons and daughters of horsemen and horsewomen; undefined likewise check them out to see. If you are qualified for the grant.

There are a lot equine associations that you might want to take part. These organizations are composed of both pro horse riders and horse racing fans, and undefined learn plenty from them. If undefined already beginning to train with horses, then you may additionally want to be active in these associations, or in online equine communities like forums and e-groups, as they can provide you with tricks in improving your game.


Make Traveling Fun Again By Following These Tips

Leaving the comfort of your home and going somewhere new is a great way to break a dull routine and experience a new culture, but there is no avoiding the logistical demands that traveling imposes. These tips will reduce the stress involved in preparing for your next trip abroad.

Dress in layers and you are sure to be ready for any weather. Weather can be unpredictable, especially if you are visiting an unfamiliar place. By having several layers of clothing, you can add or remove pieces depending on the temperature. This is especially useful for all day adventures which start in the cool morning but warm up later in the day.

Tip your hotel service personnel. A small tip can make the greatest difference in your stay. If you do not tip, the maid who services your room may feel slighted by the lack of financial gratitude and this could lead to the neglect of your room as well as supply of soaps and shampoos. Your luggage carrier, when properly paid, could suggest the great spots around town.

Replace the lock on your luggage with a combination lock. Many pieces of luggage come with locks and keys. Keys get lost. Not that it matters. The locks are so cheaply made, they can be broken right off. It would not be a bad idea to discard them entirely and replace them with a sturdier combination lock.

You should always arrive early to the airport when you are flying. It is so much less stressful knowing that you are checked in and through security with time to spare. It will give you time to use the restroom or grab a snack before the flight starts boarding.

Spend more money on a better hotel than the one that's cheap, but may be in a bad area. Cheap prices draw customers, but remember they also draw shady people too. Spend a few dollars extra and book a hotel that is in a better area with better reviews to boot.

Locate a restaurant near your hotel if you plan to stay longer than overnight. While many hotels have restaurants built right in, such eateries will be sad, generic affairs offering little to remember. By finding a local restaurant within easy travel distance you will gain access to a little bit of local color.

Traveling with a group? Work to compromise on where to eat and where to go. If you decide to be selfish, the rest of the group will resent you for causing them to have a bad time. By compromising, everyone is happy at some point and you are forced to try and experience new things.

If you are traveling abroad you can be easily the target of a crime. Make sure you don't wear any expensive or conspicuous jewelry and carry an extensive amount of money. Following these two tips will lessen your chance of being pick-pocketed or being the target of a petty crime.

In addition to making a photocopy of your passport before you leave on an international vacation, write down your passport number and place of issue. Store this information in your money belt or wallet, separate from you passport. The more copies of this information you have, the easier it can be to recover lost or stolen passports.

Bus travel is a great way to see the country side. It allows you an inexpensive way to get from destination to destination while sitting back and allowing someone else to do the driving. You will get to enjoy the scenery and even have frequent stops to see each place, without having to spend too much or bother with gas expenses.

When you visit one of America's National Parks, you should go to the Visitor's Center upon arriving. You will find the newest information concerning the park. Park rangers will share with you any safety hazards, weather concerns, wildlife notices or closures. Visiting the Visitor's Center will assure you have a more enjoyable visit.

The logistics involved in planning and executing a vacation can make you question why you wanted to take the vacation in the first place; but once you are there and experiencing the fun of your vacation getaway, you will be glad that you read and implemented these tips for putting together a great vacation.

What are the benefits of watching a game via live football streaming

Sports fans, it's time to face facts -- you owe a lot to the nerds of the world. Because of the geeks, you have more ways to watch your favorite events than ever before. There are dozens of different websites, apps and services that let you catch the next game of your favorite team on your television, smartphone, computer, tablet or video game console. And all this thanks to those who thought about introducing live football streaming to the world!

Perhaps the biggest benefit of this technological approach is accessibility. Many websites, services and apps give you access to games you might not be able to see otherwise. As every sports fan knows, not every game or match is available in every region. But with the right live football stream services, you're able to watch plenty of games even if they're nowhere to be found on TV in your area.

And since there are many live football streaming services that let you watch sports events on mobile devices, you can watch a game even when you're nowhere near your television, entertainment center, man cave or faithfully constructed replica of a stadium. The only components you need are the right broadband Internet connection, a device capable of running the service or app and access to the app itself.

There are a couple of warnings to keep in mind. One is that not every sports organization supports live football streaming yet. The live football stream service is still a young broadcast model and not everyone is comfortable with it. In some cases, you may only be able to access certain content on specific devices. An iPhone owner may be able to see some content an Android handset owner can't access, and vice versa.

The second big warning is that there are some sites online that the live football stream video from sports events without permission. These sites violate the rights of the sports organizations. While you might not get in trouble for watching the content, may feed digital piracy concerns among sports organizations that are already hesitant to adopt digital broadcast models. In fact, the desire to address digital rights issues may cause these organizations to move toward a streaming model more slowly. Playing by the rules gives everyone a better chance at accessing content in a legitimate way.

With the wide variety of sports organizations out in the world today, it should come as no surprise that there's not a standard approach to the live football stream services. Many sports organizations have formed partnerships with specific websites, like bet365, cable or mobile service providers. This means that in order to access the live football streaming content provided by these organizations, you'll need to be a subscriber to their website services or partnered cable or mobile telecommunications company.

At the end of the day, it's hard to argue with the countless hours of sports footage we have access to, thanks to a bunch of computer nerds. Remember, sports fans, to tip your cap the next time you see a computer scientist!

Sports Equipments

Playing sports is one of the major and main physical activities in which children, youngsters, and people in all age groups, sport should or outdoor activities should be done daily for at least 30 mins.

Sport requires some rules and regulation in which you need to follow like proper sports equipment, proper clothes related to the game and proper follow up of all the related things which are directly related to sports equipment. There are so many things which is a part of sports like, shoes, nets, balls, wickets and bases, rackets, and so many other various sports parts and equipment which are used in schools. Children like to play games, sports activity basically is necessary to make children more physical strong and it is necessary to get proper equipment, because if the sports parts equipment is not suitable or are damaged then it can be a issue for kids who are actually going to use these items.

Protective equipment is important as these are major parts which saves kids during any game and protect children for any sort of injury and accident in which so many items are include like, helmets, mouth guards, shine pads, ski suits and so many other items which are basically designed to protect your kids in school during he/she playing any game.

The most useful piece of equipment in any game, is net - in most games it is used to define and divide the courts for players when two players are playing against each other also in indoor games such as table tennis. One more piece of equipment is the racket which is used in most of the games like, badminton, tennis, table tennis, squash, and so many other indoor and outdoor games. In other sports like cricket the item such as the wickets are the piece equipment which defines the result in any game.

However there are so many other various items related to sports like climbing, cricket, baseball clothes, ice hockey, basketball, golf and lots of other items which is highly related to sports and normally in every school these games are easily available for students. Also school management provides all the footwear equipment's to the students like cricket spikes, golf shoes, basket ball shoes, football shoes, track cleats, running shoes and so many other equipment's which is the main and major requirement in sports and related to kids who are going to use these equipment's.


Mount Timpanogos - Protecting Our Wilderness Areas

Towering over Utah Valley and one of the tallest peaks in the Wasatch is Mount Timpanogos. One of the most majestic mountains in Utah, it is also one of the most used. With 30,000 plus college students living at it's base and a National Monument found on its North side, Timp sees thousands of visitors each year. The views at the summit (11,749') are amazing, and it can be seen from miles away. Whether taking a hike above Brighton Ski Resort, or hiking over 11,000 foot passes on the Highline Trail in the Uinta Mountains, "Timp" can be seen in the horizon.

Timp for me is a place of solitude and peace. I have spent many days hiking and climbing on Timp, and it offers endless opportunities for exploring. There however is one thing that has become an issue with Timp over the years. As mentioned before, there is a lot of usage each year on this mountain. Timp has a small wilderness area that has helped to protect the mountain from over usage, but even then, the amount of people using the mountain is beginning to show more and more.

Wilderness areas are protected in many ways from typical use areas like campgrounds and other recreation use areas. A major goal of wilderness areas is to maintain the impact and preserve the area in its original state. Think about this though. Timpanogos sees the most use from July to August, when the summit is free of snow and temperatures are at the hottest. Imagine 500-800 people who are on the mountain from midnight to early morning hours, that are all hiking to the summit and the summit saddle to watch the sun rise over the Heber Valley to the East. Do you think that poses some dangers to the area and the preservation of it? Absolutely!

I remember a few years ago as I hiked with some friends who wanted to be at the summit for the sunrise. We drove to the parking lot at 11:30 pm to see that the parking lot was full. The trail running from Aspen Grove to the summit is a slightly shorter trail, but is a little more aggressive hiking. After several miles of hiking and passing several groups on the trail, we reached Emerald Lake. we decided to take a quick nap and start hiking again a couple hours before sunrise. As we started hiking again, walking over rocks and boulders by headlamps, I remember looking over my right shoulder to see a massive line of lights coming in from the North on the Timpooneke trial. As we made our way closer to the summit saddle, I just remember looking up and hearing what sounded like a bunch of high schoolers in the school auditorium talking over each other while waiting for an assembly to start. There were hundreds of people on the trail and just off the trail sleeping, laying down, talking, playing games, as they waited for the sun to come up.

As we decided to make our way from the saddle to the summit, we were unable to even make it to the summit before the sun started to rise because of the line of people hiking to and coming down from the summit. It was a spectacle I never thought I would see.

Getting down from the mountain took longer than it ever should have taken due to the amount of people on the trail. Because of that experience, I have not been back to climb Timp for a sunrise since.

I've taken a lot of time since that experience thinking about how much use Timp sees each year. A friend of mine who works for the Forest Service on a trail crew has told me that some weekends see 1800-2200 people on the mountain's trails on any given Saturday July through August. This is an obvious issue, in the sense of human caused erosion, environmental damage, human waste disposal, etc. With such a beautiful area and mountain, there really ought to be something done to manage the amount of use on one of the most amazing mountains in the western states. This is a wilderness area though, and the ability to install toilets, paved trails, or even use permits may not be an option for the amount of use the mountain sees. But do you allow people to go onto the mountain and not take care of it. I know I have now put myself onto a soap box just now, but since our backcountry areas have become more of a destination, rather than the places we live, it becomes even more important for us to take care of what is ours and ours to enjoy.

With all that negative stuff behind, hiking Timp is one of the more gratifying hikes you could possibly do in the Wasatch. As the second tallest peak in the range, it may be one the most beautiful high elevation hikes one could do. Take the time to educate yourself on Leave No Trace principles, and backcountry ethics. Take care of the beautiful areas that we get to enjoy, that bring a smile to our face, and give us a sense of accomplishment.

Take time to go see Stewart Falls, Timpanogos Cave National Monument, Tibble Fork, and make the push to hike to the Summit of Timp and enjoy the breathtaking views. But all in all, take care of the areas that we have so freely available right in our own back yards.

How to Store Your Paddleboard at Home

Stand up paddleboards are used for a surface water sport called paddleboarding. Paddleboarders stand on them and move around the ocean, a lake or a river by use of paddles. They look like surfboards but they are bigger. Due to their big sizes, it becomes hard to store them especially for people with limited spaces in their homes. These are some tips which will help you store your stand up paddleboard securely if you have a limited space in your home.

Use Inflatable Paddleboards

Storage of an inflatable paddleboard can be easy and space saving. After paddleboarding, you need to deflate, roll and place it in a compact storage bag. This bag can then be stored in a shelf, closet, cabinet or even in the trunk of your car. The paddleboard should be cleaned and dried up before storage. This may be a tiresome process as you have to inflate it again before going for paddleboarding but it's very easy to store it especially if you have a limited space in your home.

Use of Paddleboard Racks

You can also install paddleboard racks it the walls of your garage or even house where you can suspend your stand up paddleboard. They have hooks which hold the boards in position and are very easy to install. They will help you utilize the limited space in your home efficiently as you will suspend the paddleboard firmly in the walls of your garage which are usually free. Some racks are very beautiful when fixed at the walls of a house hence can be used as decorative elements as they hold the paddleboards. Hanging the paddleboard on walls is a highly recommended storage method as it keeps them dry which makes them durable.

Build Your Own Rack

A couple of people will custom build their own paddleboard storage areas in their home or backyards. A paddleboard lift can be installed in the ceiling rafters of a garage or attic, so the board lays flat, but it is still safely still out of the way. Others will take to their back yard and get a few pieces of weather treated wood and a tarp and construct their own little paddleboard shelving system. These keep the boards out of the house, where there may be very little space, but still ensures they are not just sitting on the ground outside exposed to the elements.

Any of these methods should be able to give you some good ideas as to where to store your paddleboard at home, especially if you are limited on space.

Buying Affordable Football Boots - 5 Features You Can't Do Without

What do you think about buying an affordable pair of football boots just like the branded ones without spending a huge amount on it? The right gear can make a huge difference to your game but it can also cost a great deal of money. Branded football boots, for instance, can be fairly expensive because of the money the manufacturer spends on research and development as well as the high quality of materials used. There are plenty of options to choose from like the classic ones to even the latest in trend.

If you are planning to buy cheap football boots then you should first look for certain features without which the boot will simply not be of much use to you. The features include:

1. Power: A really good football shoe should be able to generate a lot of power to enable the ball to go great distances at high speed.

2. Speed: Your effectiveness as a footballer depends on your ability to sprint at high speeds. A shoe that uses energy efficiently will enable you to produce bursts of speed without tiring you out too much.

3. Stability: Your shoe should give you plenty of traction so that you do not lose your balance on the field. You ought to be able to run very well irrespective of whether the field is muddy or dry.

4. Accuracy: Your shoe should enable you to have proper 'feel' for the ball so that you can control it easily. You'll need this whether you are passing the ball or going for the goal. In fact, the best shoes will have a very large sweet spot.

5. Comfort: It is very necessary for your shoes to be comfortable or else you will not be able to give the game your best. The shape of the boot and the quality of materials used determines how well it fits you.

It is never a good idea to buy sports gear, especially footwear, purely on the basis of a low price because you might not get the performance and durability you are hoping for. In fact, you might end up looking for a new pair of sports direct boots very quickly. If you can buy the branded boots really cheap from a reliable source then your problem will be solved quickly. The added advantage of these boots is that they are extremely attractive and are available in many color combinations to match practically every football uniform.


Fishing - Planning A Family Fishing Vacation

Planning a family fishing trip vacation doesn’t have to be fraught with a lot of stress. We all know how much time and effort goes into planning any kind of trip that includes the whole family. Why not purchase a packaged fishing trip that includes nearly everything? When you plan a trip for fishing it can often take hours even days to work through all the details. I ended up purchasing a package that had everything in it. All I had to do was make sure my son’s medications were packed and all the other “special” items the family needs, and we were off. From now on, I let the business owner handle all the arrangements and we get in the car or on the plane.

Packages can be complete in that they offer transportation, lodging, fishing equipment and meals. Many have several types of packages that are set up by the amount of days you want to be there to a pricing table that can help you decide what you can afford. Packages often can include any or all of the accommodations and amenities you want but not always. Here are some examples of what packages may or may not offer.

Fishing packages can be for a half-day or full day. They can be tailored for fishing trips lasting up to seven days and more. Some may include lodging and meals. Don’t forget that the business owner knows his area well. He or she can advise you on other activities and events for the family. Many times my children don’t want to go fishing all day everyday so I always find out what else there is to do. I have found tours to historic sites, movie theatres and special children’s events at the location near where we were fishing. Most guides’ wives even arranged transportation for our three children to go to another nearby town to watch wildlife. Be sure to ask what kind of rates, lodging and meals can be provided for your size of family.

When choosing a fishing vacation, no matter where it is, ask about the owner’s feelings about children. Most are in the business of providing the ultimate fishing vacations and love children of all ages. If your child or your spouse has never been fishing, a package with an experienced owner/guide will make it a more memorable experience. A guide will also know the “fishing holes”. The chance that your first family fishing vacation will be successful (catching lots of fish) is almost a certainty. Your package and guide will be able to get you to the right fishing spots at the best times. Most important, check the owner and his or her business reputation. Call them and ask all the questions you want answered. You will learn a lot from one phone call. Every fishing trip I have been on has always been fun and exciting because I purchased a package, researched the business owner and made sure I understood all the details in the package. Your family will have a wonderful memory and that’s what having a family is all about.

Tetris - Tetris – The Game Of The Past And The Future

Fans of gaming of any sort all know a few basic games that formed the foundation of what we know today to be the number one form of entertainment. One of these original games is Tetris. Known around the world since it’s release, Tetris has long been one of the most popular ways for people to waste some time and have a good time in the same breath. Before we can understand why it is such a great game, lets first examine the history of Tetris and how it evolved into this modern day wonder of a game.

A number of lawsuits have been filed to find out who the actual inventor of Tetris is, to avoid confusion we are just going to let that name remain unsaid. The game was invented in the mid-80s in Russia and quickly became a popular device for people to have fun with. After a brief struggle to get the game on the popular PCs that most people in America used, the game was introduced to the United States in 1986. After the game grew in popularity again, a number of new lawsuits were filed to determine who had the rights to the game. After a while, the system Atari was finally awarded these rights for arcades and Nintendo got them for consoles. After that Nintendo began to release a number of highly successful versions of the popular game, and still do so today even for their newer consoles. Tetris remains popular today even as games with better graphics and more advanced controls are released.

So now that we have a little understand towards where the game from, lets look at why it is so popular. Tetris seems like a very simple game, which makes it appealing to many gamers who do not want to or simply do not have the time to spend on learning advanced controls. Because there are only about five keys that a gamer needs to know, anyone can be playing this game efficiently within minutes. Sweet and simple are two words that make Tetris so appealing to players initially.

After playing Tetris, gamers soon find that the game is much more complex than thought before. While there are no controls, different shapes of blocks, obstacles, and speed of drops all add to the confusion and act to make the game harder to play. It becomes frustrating to lose and a challenge to pass the higher levels. Players find themselves addicted and dedicated to beating Tetris, or at least setting a higher score than their friends and family did before.

Another appealing nature of the game is the accessibility of the game. You don’t need to own a Nintendo console of any kind to play the game, unless you prefer the flashier, new versions of Tetris. The game can be found in many different versions online, the easiest being the flash version. Because of that a gamer can quickly locate this game and be playing in no time. When you have only a fifteen-minute span to squeeze some fun in, this works great for you.

Overall Tetris may seem like a simple game but in fact it is much more complex once played. It is a game that has been around for more than two decades and will be around for much longer than that. A granddaddy to all current games, Tetris is a good experience for all gamers of all ages. So if you are one of the few who has not ever experienced this game, go out and try it and you will have a good time for sure.

Electronic - Saltwater Fishing: The Fundamentals You Need To Know

The Gear You Need

First and foremost, you need a good quality rod. Go for 8 and a half to 9 feet. Also, insure it is good quality as you will need the strength. In reels, you should go for those that are protected from saltwater corrosion. Look for those made from stainless steel, titanium or fiber/resin. Again, go with a good quality choice, one that is at least $100. For your line, you’ll need a floating line for flat or shallow areas. For underwater fishing, go with a clear, middle ground line. Try out one of the clear, sink tip lines too. In leaders, you need a longer leader for a shy fish. For one that is toothy, go with a thick leader. Also, flies. You will need to choose a variety of flies. You can purchase them in a wide variety or look for those promoted by expert anglers.

Now, Casting

Have you done any fly casting for trout? Yes? Then, you’ll have no problem. The goal is to go light. Don’t overline which is when you use a line that is over the recommended weight for your fishing rod. No experience? Try to take advantage of some lessons before heading out or take a professional to teach you.

When it comes to hooking your fish, don’t lift your rod high into the air. You don’t want to fight it. Try to upset the fish’s swimming pattern by rolling it. When you are ready to land it, keep your rod tip low. If you high stick it, then you are likely to break your rod. Use a pair of pliers and gloves to make sure you don’t end up hurt.

What To Bait With

You can use both live and artificial bait in saltwater fishing. You can use live and natural products for a wide range of fish. Most will take shrimp and baitfish work well too. If you use something that your fish would normally eat in his diet, you are likely to get a hit. This could be things like crayfish, crabs, oysters and crustacean. Make sure that you do not overweight it. The size of your hook should be the size of your bait.

All of this has you ready to head out to enjoy the awesome adventure of saltwater fishing. You can find most of your equipment and a whole lot of information online for your next saltwater trip.

Electronic - Humminbird Matrix 47 - Stop Waiting For The Fish To Come To You

The Humminbird Matrix 47 is an awesome gadget. This fishfinder is equipped with 3D imaging to help you find just what you are looking for with some of the clearest pictures you can imagine. No need to try and figure out what’s below the surface when you have the Matrix 47 as it will give you a clear image of what it is. This gives you the most accurate picture of what’s going on below and around you. Here are some other features that it offers to you.

Again, by flipping into 3D, you get a clearer, larger view of the bottom with dimensions to help you figure out what you are looking at. Some other machines are trickier to understand because they simply offer a flat version. Instead, here you’ll get a crisp view that will allow you to see where the fish is hiding.

You can even view the bottom from every perspective. It does this by using 11 beams of sonar to give you the most details out there. Think your fish might be behind the wall? Check it out using this technology. This benefits you because you get the most intensely accurate view allowing you to get the most accurate predication of where the fish are. Cast your line to land right where they are and bring home the fish.

You can still hook up your GPS unit to this model to help you find where you are and where you are headed. This is great to help you find your favorite hotspot and therefore your favorite fish. You can count on a durable, easy to use machine that you can mount and view without having to use your hands. Keep them free to guide your fishing rod and take care of catching your fish.

All of this and so much more is available to you with the Matrix 47. You will be able to head out onto the lake, find your fish and lure it in without much guesswork. You’ll come home with confidence because the cooler you took with you is full of fish.

Find them where they are hiding. Stop waiting for them to come to you! Use the Matrix 47 for some of the best fishing adventure results out there.

Rc Cars - Electirc Rc Cars For Fun And Excitement

Electric RC cars and trucks are generally considered best for beginners, since even if you choose to build your own car, they tend to be simpler and easier than nitro cars. They’re also a great deal quieter and run much cleaner, meaning you’re less restricted by where you can run them. In terms of speed and power, they do have a great deal of pickup, though not as much as the nitro cars.

Electric RC cars use rechargeable battery packs to power their motor and steering, which are usually recharged from a 12-volt car battery or wall socket. Batteries run for about 5-10 minutes, depending on the type of engine your car has, and charging the battery usually takes 15-30 minutes. Because of this, it is strongly recommended you have at least two battery packs, to allow for quick replacement of the battery. This means your car can keep running while the other battery is recharging, giving the car more overall running time.

At first glance, getting started with an electric RC car can be much less expensive than a nitro vehicle. But there are other costs to consider as well, such as additional battery packs, a battery charger and other accessories that will add to the cost, making it closer to the price of a nitro car in the long run. Of course, this cost also depends on what kind of car you end up purchasing and what kind of battery pack it requires, as well as how often you run the car and the quality of the batteries you get. Though the initial outlay of cash can be steep, but you’ll want to get quality battery packs and a good charger to save replacing cheaper batteries.

The main reason electric RC’s are said to be easier than nitro is in the amount of maintenance and tuning their engines require. Though the care, maintenance and cost of battery packs is steep, it is still less trouble for the new driver than the air filters, tuning, fueling and various other engine parts that require attention on a nitro car. Instead, careful conditioning and proper storage of your battery packs will keep your electric RC running smoothly for years. Always consult your manufacturer’s instructions to make sure you’re getting the right battery packs for your car, and that you’re caring for them properly.

Easier and cleaner, electric RC cars and trucks offer the genuine racing experience to the beginner on an easy learning curve. Proper conditioning and maintenance of the car and its battery packs are still easier than the many parts and problems often associated with nitro RC’s. If you’re a beginner, or if you just want to get to the races, an electric RC can offer you the speed and fun you’re after for less work.

Also keep in mind that if you think you’d prefer an electric RC, but still want the experience of building your own car, that you can also purchase electric kits. These include complete instructions to build your own car from scratch, and because their systems are less complex than the nitro cars, they are a little easier to build yourself.

Electric RC Car Motors

In order to prevent unnecessary wear and tear on your electric motor, it is important to always break in your motor, before you drive it for the first time, and every time after you change its brushes. One easy method is to run the vehicle with the wheels off of the ground at about 1/4 power for about 5 minutes. This will slowly get the brushes fully seated to the commutator without causing wear and tear on the engine, and will allow your motor to run at its full potential.

Your electric car will come with instructions on how to change the brushes on the motor, as well guidelines for how often. Remember, if you change the brushes on your motor, be sure to break it in again. How often you replace the brushes—and the motor, for that matter—depends on where and how much you’re running or racing your car. Generally, a motor should be replaced after it has gone through five or more pairs of brushes, but it will always depend on the individual car, its motor and how well they’re running.

Sports - A Wheel Within A Wheel: The Negro Leagues

Although many aspects of the early days of baseball have been well
documented, historians are just beginning to chronicle the major role that

Black athletes played in making professional baseball popular. Black ball
players have played the game for about as many years as White players.
Players of color, both Black and Hispanic, were on mostly White ball clubs in
the first days of amateur ball, but when the majors started to become
popular in the early 1900¡¯s, an unwritten barbaric rule went into effect that
kept players of color out of professional baseball.

At that time, segregation was the poison that had drained our society of its
full potential. In baseball, it robbed us of the opportunity to witness some
of the greatest athletes of all time on an even playing field. It was a time

when legends such as Ty Cobb, Shoeless Joe Jackson, and Cy Young came
to light. What would be our perception of those legends if segregation had
not skewed our vision?

Minority players who might have achieved greatness in the majors were
relegated to the minor leagues or, as they were called, the Negro Leagues.
Life was tough for the Black ball player in those days. There were many
sordid incidents, including clashes with the Klan, spitting on players from
the stands, and the throwing of rocks at team buses. Yes there was
definitely a "color barrier," not only for baseball but for America.

Many of the statistics and numbers from the Negro Leagues are unknown,
and the talking points about greatness in the league cannot be verified
because the games, events and incidents were not documented properly.

Until Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in 1947, much of the history of
players of color was forgotten and lost. Mostly, all we have as a resource
are the stories of the players that played in the Negro Leagues.

Walter "Dirk" Gibbons, a pitcher with the Indianapolis Clowns, said,
"Nobody wants to believe we were as good as they say we were, but I can
vouch for it, I was there. I know these guys were really that good. All we
wanted was a chance to prove we could play the game. I knew sooner or
later it would happen, but we had to go through so much before it really
did happen." Walter Gibbons should know what good is; by his own
account, he was a 19-game winner with 229 strikeouts in one season. The
Indianapolis Clowns were also the team that produced Hank Aaron. In
considering what happened, Gibbons succinctly noted, "It was segregation,
and that is just the way it was."

At one time, much of what went on in the Negro Leagues was ignored. In
fact, Gibbons claimed that Jackie Robinson wasn¡¯t the best player in the
leagues. "He was good, but he wasn¡¯t the best," said Gibbons. Other
players, like Satchel Paige and Larry Doby have a place in the history of
baseball once they entered the majors, but what about their
accomplishments when they were locked out of the all-White leagues?

At the end of the Civil War, the Negro Leagues started to develop with the
creation of unofficial and unorganized teams. The first Black professional
team took the field in 1885 in Babylon, New York. White reporters named
the team the "Cuban Giants" in an attempt to attract White teams to play
them. By the end of the 1860¡¯s, there were a number of Black baseball
teams in the Philadelphia area that would play against any other team,
professional or not.

By 1885, Black baseball started to organize with the official formation of the
Southern League of Base Ballists. In 1888, the Middle States League
appeared and admitted two all-Black teams, the Cuban Giants and the New
York Gorhams. After a long and blurry history of organizational forming,
dissolving and reforming, Bill Veeck attempted to buy the Philadelphia
Phillies, announcing that he would recruit Black players for his club. The
National League stepped in and bought the Phillies, handing the club over
to William Cox, who had no such intentions.

Finally in 1945, Branch Rickey, a member of the Major League Committee on
Baseball Integration, searched the national and international baseball
scene. He was looking for the best player candidate to break the color line
in Major League Baseball. His perfect candidate turned out to be Jackie
Robinson. It has been suggested that Robinson wasn¡¯t the first player to
break through the color barrier; that there were others before him. While
there may be some truth to that, Jackie Robinson will always be
remembered as the player who started to change the public¡¯s attitude
toward segregation.

Today, there¡¯s a concerted effort to remember the past. In February 2006,
a special 12-member panel was convened to start the electoral process of
inducting players from the Negro Leagues and pre-Negro Leagues into
Baseball¡¯s Hall of Fame. Although so many players of color never
participated in Major League Baseball, the greats are starting to be
officially recognized for their athletic achievements.


Dinner Reservation - Your Dinner Reservation Is Now Confirmed

The last time you were out with friends did you think of your time together as another of your usual recreational occasions? Well, if your friends are there with you at the time you read this question, your answer will probably be yes, am I right? But what would your answer be in case your friends were not present? I hope you would still respond to the question with a yes, because one of the most important recreations is times you have been spending with your loved ones, happened over a dinner table. If you attempt to dispute this statement by stating that these dinner events are so easy to organize and experience and that they should not be considered a typical recreation time, you would be wrong. Let me support my argument by stating some facts.

For millions of people around the globe, regardless of culture, religion, personal experiences, and behavior patterns, dinner time is considered the time to enjoy the outcomes of their daily efforts, a time to appreciate the fact that they are able to eat, pay for their food, support their family and take care of their own body and mind. But most importantly, with our contemporary fast-paced lifestyles, dinner time is the time to bond and exchange information and news. It is time for people to relax, let their senses guide them, and at the same time invest in conversing with family members, friends, colleagues, or even strangers. Even if you select to eat your dinner alone, appreciating the piece and quite this ensures after a heavy daily schedule, you have certainly made at some point dinner reservations at the restaurant of your choice, inviting friends to join you or enjoying a piece of meal prepared and served as it should. Do recreation and eating habits now seem a bit more connected?

According to scholars, dinner preparation along with the actual eating experience were greatly valued from ancient times, when people devoted a big portion of their day preparing and then tasting the outcome of their hard work. Except from the actual pleasure this type of eating experience may give to the taster, it is actually a very healthy habit, since we now know that the human stomach sends to the brain the appropriate signals that we are full and should stop eating approximately twenty minutes after this has occurred. Has your last meal lasted that long? Mine didn't! Thus, you should try to find those precious moments in your busy schedule and enjoy a fulfilling dinning experience surrounded by the people of your choice. Invite friends over, spend some time preparing the dinner you will serve and then take pleasure in dinning and conversing. This should be one of those recreational practices you should be really proud of repeating at least once every week.

Parks - The Amusement Park Experience Of A Grownup

The city of Orlando, located in the U.S. State of Florida, is known all around the world thanks to its theme parks. Featuring some of the world's best theme and amusement parks, this tourist destination offers to million of visitors annually the opportunity to take a close portrait photograph with Mickey or see Shrek hugging dad while he waits in line to purchase tickets. The famous Walt Disney World Resort, the Sea World and the Universal Orlando Resort, offer thrilling rides, 3D movies, and all sort of extreme adventures, based mainly on cartoon or movie characters known to us since the time we were kids. But if one does not have kids, is there a reason to spend a small fortune for just a ride?

Well, I wish the answer was a simple yes or no. Allow me to argue before casting a stone. Last Christmas (no, not the one I gave you my heart as Wham mentioned in their famous 80s song) I was visited by my folks who decided to spend their Christmas and New Years vacations in United States for the first time. Since my brother is currently a resident of South Florida, it was inevitable for us to go where the weather conditions would be better. Thus, after taking care of some personal business, I flew to South Florida to join my family and spend my winter vacations in a sunny climate for the first time.

Since my brother was really excited that we were all together again, he proposed a short journey to one or Orlando's theme parks as none of us had ever visited one. We immediately agreed and two days later we drove to discover the Islands of Adventure and jump into the actions of the Universal Studios movies.

To my surprise, I really enjoyed our visit there and although I was really glad to have the opportunity of experiencing yet another of our legendary family trips, I was secretly worried that the whole experience would prove to be a really boring one, apart for myself, for my parents, who I regret to admit are now of a certain age that does not permit them to experience an excitement as a ten year old would. But to my astonishment, my father was the one dragging us from venue to venue, insisting to visit every single place in the theme park -the daily tickets must have been on sale- and was always pointing something new, something fun we should not miss to explore. I will not mislead you by saying that he or my mother decided to get on those "terrifying trains" as they called them, but they did not go up against our determination to ride them again and again or to laugh while listening to our happy screams. So, yes it is true. I really enjoyed my first visit at a theme park. Perhaps I have excuses, like the fact that I have not seen my parents or brother for a long time, or that I was under tremendous stress for more than six months and this was my first chance to let myself again relax and enjoy the ride.

So, regardless if you are accompanying your nephew or daughter, you should take some time off when you get the chance and experience how it feels to see earth while hanging upside down at 125 feet over the ground ridding the Fire or Ice Dragon as they narrowly pass within inches from each other, on a roller coaster running at a speed of 55 mph.

Fireworks Show - Fireworks: The 6 Things You Must Know To Put On Your Own Show

Putting on your own fireworks show can be a dazzling, albeit dangerous undertaking and knowing about the effects as well as the dangers of the different types of fireworks is vital. Before you start, it is essential to call your fire station and local police and find out which fireworks are legal and which are not.

The six most important factors in putting on your own fireworks show in include:

Selecting a site that is appropriate: Take into consideration the firing area, the fallout area and the spectator area. Select an open area that is away from hospitals and other buildings and make sure the ground is level and there is no dry brush or grass around the display area. Also make sure there is plenty of space around the display area where aerial fireworks can safely fall back on without causing any damage or harm. The spectator area should be at an appropriately safe distance.

Choosing the right combination of fireworks: If you have an adequately safe space, go all out and create a brilliant pyrotechnics show with an assortment of aerial fireworks including rockets, finned missiles, roman candles, helicopters, multi-shot repeaters and reloadable shells kits. You have to limit your choices if you have a smaller space.

Safety: Protect yourself by wearing clothes that are resistant to fire as well as a good pair of safety goggles. It is vital that there should be some source of water nearby, whether it is a water hose or several gallons of water in containers.

Setting up the display: Make all preparations during daylight hours. Place the fireworks with smaller ones in front and the large, high flying ones at the back and further away from the spectator area.

Firing the display: Before starting up the display confirm the direction of the wind and make sure that the fallout area is still downwind and spectator area is still upwind. If the wind direction has changed, you will have to change the position of the fireworks and how they are fired. Have two people handling the display - one for the ground fireworks and the other handling the aerial display. This will reduce the gaps in the display and enhance the continuity.

Cleaning up after the show: Inspect the whole after the show and make sure there are no smoldering embers left anywhere. Bag up all used fireworks including those that did not light and dispose of them safely. Leaving firework litter around could be highly dangerous.

Fireworks Safety

Along with common sense, it is extremely important to read all warnings and cautions and treat fireworks with respect. While they can result in a brilliant display, they can also cause a lot of damage if used indiscriminately. Make sure all local laws regarding lighting of fireworks are obeyed. Throwing fireworks from automobiles or lighting them indoors can lead to dangerous situations and accidents. Lighting multiple devices indiscriminately can be equally dangerous.

Here are a few safety tips to keep in mind when lighting fireworks or putting on a fireworks show:

Never use illegal explosives or fireworks meant to be handled by professionals only.
If fireworks are illegal in your area, don't break the law, especially if they have been banned for reasons such as drought conditions.
Light all fireworks only outdoors in open spaces making sure there are no vehicles or other combustible items around.
Do not light fireworks in areas that are surrounded by dry brush or grass as even a spark can start off a full-blown fire.
Do not alter the fireworks in any way or combine them in an indiscriminate manner. Use them as intended to avoid dangerous situations.
Light fireworks only when you are sober. Alcohol and fireworks is a dangerous combination.
Never allow children to play with fireworks unattended or unsupervised.
Wear good safety goggles when lighting fireworks and wear clothes that are flame-retardant.
It is important that there should be a source of water nearby. A water hose with a steady and unlimited supply is the best, but if that is unavailable then ensure you have plenty of water available in several containers.
Never carry fireworks in your pockets or give them to children to carry around.
Never light up a dud immediately. Give it some time to die out completely before approaching.

Airline - Cheap Air Flights - The Best Way Of Traveling

Each year, millions of individual implement the use of air travel to get from one location to another. However, most of the airfares that are purchased are priced relatively high. This can often place a burden on the finances of the individual who must endure the expense.

When searching for the best cheap air flights, the first thing that you should keep in mind that the results of your search will not render themselves easily. With the recent rise in gas prices, the recent loss on the stock market, and many other economical issues, you will certainly find that searching for cheap airline rates will be a challenge.

It is critical to understand that the search for low prices is not as simple as entering in a price on a major search engine. The proper key to finding the best cheap air flights lies in the components of your search. The number one component is that of adequate planning and preparation.

If you know that you will be required to travel six months down the road, it is imperative to begin your planning for the trip. The sooner that you make your preparations with an airline, the better prices you will get. Those individuals that wait until the last minute must often purchase the flights and seats that are available. It is almost always inevitable that the remaining flights and seats are among the most expensive items.

Travel peak times are another important consideration to be examined when attempting to find the best cheap air flights. It is a known fact that, each year, there are certain months that many individuals select to travel at the same time. This is most common around major holidays, such as Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Spring Break and the summer months are also quite popular among travelers. During these times, you are not likely to find discounted air flights. As a matter of fact, you may actually pay higher rates than are normally charged. Choosing to travel in the months that are considered to be "off season" will allow you a better opportunity to find the best cheap air flights.

Just as traveling at peak times throughout the year will result in your paying more for air flights, there are also peak times during the different days of the week, and various times throughout the day. It is essential that you do a little research on these particular trends and choose your flight accordingly. We all know that the weekends are usually quite busy at most airlines, so, this means these tickets will generally be priced a bit higher. However, Mondays and Fridays are often quite busy as well. Many people who travel with their companies fly out on Mondays and return home on Fridays. This means that airfare on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays will normally cost less.

When selecting to travel, if you are trying to find the best cheap air flights, it is important that you understand that business hours are normally quite busy. If you wish to pay less for your airline tickets, it is best to select a late afternoon air flight, or an air flight that is scheduled late at night. Many people do not select to travel at these hours for one reason or another. However, airlines still need to make money at these times. In order to do so, they will lower the air flight rates.

In addition to the above-listed methods, many individuals are able to obtain the best cheap air flights by searching through the internet. There are many online websites that have been established that promote discounted air flights. Furthermore, many have been able to successfully uncover the best cheap air flights by implementing the use of a travel agent. Many times, these agents can issue you a travel package that includes discounted air flights, as well as discounted hotel accommodations.

As you have learned by the content in this article, there are many ways to uncover the best cheap air flights. It usually takes a little patience and some dedication to the task, but it is highly possible to find the best match for your travel budget.


Can Dustin Johnson play smart?

GULLANE, Scotland -- And now it's time to play: What Cement-Brained Thing Will Dustin Johnson Do This Time?

Will he mistake a bunker rake for the flagstick?

Will he skip the 16th hole?

Will he forget this Open Championship at Muirfield is a four-day thing and fly home Saturday night?

Johnson, whose 68 Thursday puts him right in the soup of this Open Championship, is capable of anything. Do you realize he hit a 225-yard 7-iron Thursday? And a 290-yard 3-iron? But he's also so dense, light bends around him.

Johnson has more talent in his thumbs than most guys have in their whole bag, but he's not exactly Stephen Hawking. The heaviest reading he does is sprinkler heads. He's blown three Sunday afternoon leads in majors in the past three years, all by doing things so dumb it drops your IQ 10 points just to recall them.

[+] EnlargeDustin Johnson
Andy Lyons/Getty Images
Dustin Johnson always seems in a hurry. Can he slow down and stay out of his own way?
Remember the U.S. Open at Pebble when he started swatting at his ball left-handed? How about the PGA at Whistling Straits, when he grounded his club in a bunker on the 72nd hole? The Open Championship at St. George's, when he hit an iron on 14 out of bounds?

"I'm telling you, he's changed," protests Johnson's caddie, Bobby Brown. "We've changed, as a team. We have one watchword now: 'Slow down.' "

OK, that's two words or maybe three, but you get his point.

"Besides, maybe those things had to happen for us to learn," Brown says. "Sometimes we just move too quick. We're taking our time now."

Johnson's career is off to a very fast start -- his seven PGA Tour wins are the most by any current player under 30 -- and his life is anything but slow.

He dates Instagram pinup girl Paulina Gretzky, daughter of the hockey legend, the Sunset Boulevard of women -- gorgeous, curvy and dangerous. Which means he spends a lot of time dodging paparazzi.

Johnson doesn't think, he just does. Last year, he attended Wayne Gretzky's fantasy hockey camp and watched. This year, he's going to play in it.

"Probably a left winger," he says. "A scorer."

Wait. You're going to play hockey? On ice? Against other humans?



Johnson does everything fast. Down the fairway, he tends to walk 40 yards ahead of everybody else, but now, at 29, he's at least training himself not to get the club out until it's his turn. Sometimes he'll have it halfway out and then drop it like it's a snake.

"Yeah, I mean he'll still Usain Bolt you right out of the tee box," Brown says, "but then he'll catch himself and slow down."

Nobody could slow Johnson down at the Pebble Beach U.S. Open in 2010, when he had a 3-shot lead going into the second hole Sunday and then had a left-handed swat before anybody could say, "Triple-bogey."

Nobody could slow him down at Whistling Straits that same year in the PGA Championship when he set the club down in a decidedly un-bunker-looking bunker on 18, despite warning signs posted in the players' locker room identifying them as such. The 2-shot penalty blew him out of both the win and the playoff.

[+] EnlargeDustin Johnson
Andy Lyons/Getty Images
Dustin Johnson has won seven times on the PGA Tour. Does he have all the answers? No. Can he win a major? Yes.
The nice thing about Johnson, though, is his game is long and his memory is very short. He seems to have all the cares and worries of a 6-year-old with a Fudgsicle.

"I wish I had his ability to get over bad shots," Jason Day says. "He hits a bad one and he's over it right away. You can tell just the way he walks. He's just happy to be playing golf. Me, I hang on to them."

Brown likes to describe how little Johnson hangs on to anything: "He gets over it thisfast," then Brown claps his hands, loud. "He's just so cool. He doesn't throw a club. He doesn't swear. Nothin'. The most you'll get is four  words, 'C'mon, DJ!' "

OK, that's three words, but you get the idea.

Johnson even got over Brown himself. They were together for years before Johnson fired him over a non-golf dispute and hired Joe LaCava. When Woods stole LaCava in fall 2011, Johnson took a mulligan with Brown. The whole separation lasted eight months. They've won twice since and are threatening to win the big man's first major, which you just know is coming. After all, when your man can leave his driver in the bag and hit 290-yard 3-irons at the bowling alley known as Muirfield, you've got to like your chances.

"The guy is just so talented," Brown says. "He's like a horse you can handicap. There's a certain time of the year when he just starts getting really good. ... Right now is that time."

And those are six words to remember.